Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/99

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Yet leave such thoughts, and mark how bright
The landscape glows in morning light !
Oh, 'tis a wondrous show and fair,
The living picture painted there !
All the vast crowd clad in a guise
Strange to the Frank's unwonted eyes ;
The scarlet fez, the white bernous,
The gay keffieh floating loose,
With its long fringes light and free
By every breeze tossed gracefully ;
The sash that in its brilliant folds
The Arab's choicest treasures holds,
His yataghan, with massive hilt,
His heavy pistols richly gilt ;
The spahi to rough battle bred,
With tufted lance and mantle red ;
Wild horsemen flying like the wind,
Their wide robes streaming far behind ;
Steeds, whose rich trappings well may vie
With their gay riders' bravery,