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än mald de önj.

Benutzer:Bishnu Saikia

Faan Wikipedia
Brüker spräke
as-N This user can read and write at a native level in Assamese.
hi-2 यह सदस्य हिन्दी भाषा में माध्यमिक रूप से योगदान करने में सक्षम है
bn-2 This user can contribute in intermediate Bengali.
en-2 This user can read and write intermediate English.
Säk Brüker nåå spräke
Me at my Office

You are requested to connect with me at Assamese wikipedia page by name Bishnu Saikia and to Talk at that link, not here please.

Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
Det as en Wikipedia-Brükersidj.
Wan dü detheer sidj huarööders üs uun a Wikipedia fanjst, do as det ei det originool sidj. Det originool sidj as diar: Saikia Benutzer:Bishnu Saikia (Saikia http://frr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benutzer:Bishnu Saikia). Wan dü muar auer a bestemangen faan Wikipedia wed wel, do luke diar.