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Haliglun (üüb Halunder: deät Lun; üüb Tjiisk an Deensk: Helgoland; üüb Ingels: Heligoland) as en eilun uun a Nuurdsia. Diar wene 1.407 mensken (2011)[1], amanbi 500 diarfaan snaake Halunder. At eilun as dial faan de Pinneberig Kreis.

Haliglun bestäänt ütj tau eilunen: Haliglun an De Hallem.

Flag faan det british ferwalting faan Haliglun (1807–1890)
Haliglun amanbi 1890–1900

Faan 1807 ap tu 1890 wiar Haliglun en britisk kolonii. A onerguwernöören an guwernöören wiar:

Nööm Faan Ap tu
Corbet James d'Auvergne 05.09.1807[2] 1808
William Osborne Hamilton 1808 11.11.1814
Henry King 11.11.1814[3] 28.09.1840
John Hindmarsh 28.09.1840[4] 07.03.1857
Richard Pattinson 07.03.1857[5] 14.05.1863
Henry Berkeley Fitzhardinge Maxse 14.05.1863[6]
an 25.04.1864[7]
John Terence Nicholls O'Brien 06.07.1881 27.11.1888
Arthur Cecil Stuart Barkly 27.11.1888[8] 09.09.1890

Hat jeew en siaslacht uun Mei 1864 twesken Preussen, Uasterrik an Denemark uun de Naist Sleeswich-Holstians Krich nai bi't eilun.


[Bewerke | Kweltekst bewerke]
  1. Efter det 2011 Folksteeling, Statistikamt Nord [1].
  2. d’Auvergne, Corbet James uun Marshall, John Royal Naval Biography
  3. The London Gazette, November 12, 1814: Downing-Street, November 11, 1814. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of His Majesty, to appoint Henry King Esq. Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, to be Lieuteuant-Governor of the Island of Heligoland.
  4. The London Gazette, Tuesday September 29, 1840: Downing Street, September 28, 1840. The Queen has been pleased to appoint John Hindmarsh, Esq. Captain in the Royal Navy, to be Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Heligoland.
  5. The London Gazette, Tuesday March 10, 1857: Downing Street, March 7, 1857. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Richard Pattinson, Esq., to be Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Heligoland.
  6. Üüs onerguwernöör.The London Gazette, May 19, 1863: Downing Street, May 14, 1863. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Major Henry Fitzharding Berkeley Maxse to be Lieutenant-Governor of the Island of Heligoland.
  7. Üüs guwernöör. The London Gazette, April 26, 1864: Downing Street, April 25, 1864. The Queen has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Fitzharding Berkeley Maxse (Lieutenant-Governor) to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Island of Heligoland.
  8. The London Gazette, November 27, 1888: Downing Street, November 27, 1888...Her Majesty has further been pleased to appoint Arthur Cecil Stuart Barkly, Esq. (Chief Civil Commissioner of the Seychelles Islands), to be Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Island of Heligoland.