acted upon. There are recognitions here similar to
those whereby we shall know each other in the everlast-
ing habitations, when the soul is clothed with her new
body, of which our earthly covering is but a coarse
type. But these mutual influences of mind upon mind,
can be possible only in those whose love is not alone
capable of the most complete self-devotion, but where
it has been proved and strengthened by long and inti-
mate acquaintance, and a complete union of thought
and feeling."
But now to our narrative.
Godber and Idalia were sitting near each other in
their little dwelling, in the evening twilight of this day
which threatened to be one of so much sorrow to the
hallig. There were frequent pauses in their conversa-
tion, because each was making an effort to keep it up.
This is always the case when two persons are to-
gether who have something on their minds, about which
they ought to come to a mutual understanding ; but
while recognizing this necessity, they avoid an open ex-
planation, because they fear from it, a result more
painful than the present oppressive uncertainty and in-
Idalia took little pains to conceal her dissatisfaction,
while Godber exerted himself to the utmost, to show
the greatest possible kindness and tenderness in his
manner. Their hearts were already separated. The
flame of love was almost extinguished, only they could
not bring themselves to confess it to each other or to
their own hearts ; Idalia, because a certain sympathy for
the young man who had ventured his life for her, and
sacrificed to her his betrothed, was still strong in her
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/206
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