sorrows of which are witnesses that it is God's world.
The idea of such a new birth is only comprehensible to
these who believe in the doctrine of redemption, be-
cause by this faith, man's affections — and love is the
strongest motive power in heaven and upon earth — are
directed toward the Divine nature ; but this faith is not
regeneration itself, as our self-love may often persuade
us, it is a necessary condition to it, but remains a sound-
ing brass, a tinkling cymbal, if it does not become liv-
ing through love, through that love which labors earn-
estly for the sanctification of the heart and life.
But what mortal may venture, then, to call himself
regenerate ?
Let us pray our Father, that he will forgive our
weakness ; but woe to us if we forgive ourselves.
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/229
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