the angry tumult of his soul suddenly subsided to a
sadness which filled his eyes with tears; a change of
emotion natural to a gentle disposition which has not
been hardened by frequent excitement. The extreme
tension of his features and his whole frame was followed
by a relaxation which alarmed Idalia even more than
the appearance of anger, as she feared an exciting scene
which she wished to avoid at any price, because it
would lead to nothing, and because, on witnessing
Godber's deep agitation, she found that she was not
so completely mistress of her own heart as she had
But Godber bethought himself that Providence had
so ordered it ; that he himself desired the separation ;
that in fact, this separation had long since taken place
and only a word was wanting to confirm it. He turned
quickly round and hastened away without casting one
farewell glance at Idalia. She would have much pre-
ferred a more friendly parting. She hesitated a mo-
ment whether she should not follow him, and say a few
more affectionate words to him ; but before she could
resolve, it was too late. Godber hurried down the
wharf and was soon in his boat alone upon the sea. He
did not return until after the departure of his guests.
Here we, too, may take leave of Idalia, only casting
a hasty glance into her future. Had she known how to
elevate her affection for Godber into true womanly love
she might perhaps have overcome his disinclination to
leave the hallig, and he might have forgotten how
dearly he had purchased the happiness of being at her
side. But having once in her life experienced such de-
votion and thrust it from her, could she expect ever
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/241
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