been felt. Cast aside your heavy burden and enter joy-
fully upon a new path, as if you were born again and
had no past. Think of that only, as a means of pre-
serving that humility which esteems as nothing its own
merits, and its own righteousness, only to cherish a lively
zeal for the crown of perfection in all holiness of heart
and life, only to shun sin, which, as you have expe-
rienced, renders us so miserable, only to praise with joy,
peace, and blessedness to your life's end, the grace of
your heavenly Father who hath done so great things
for you. Remember the past, not to make it a curse to
yourself, but a blessing, as God will remember it only
to lead you forth from it into the kingdom of his bless-
ings and promises."
Godber was much moved by the minister's words,
and if they could not restore to him the peace which
had fled from him, they served, at least, to turn his
eyes once more with a hasty, timid, but prayerful look,
toward heaven, and through the tempest of his troubled
conscience to send a gentle breath, as if from a land of
peace. They called forth hot tears, and at the same
time made an outlet for the consuming fires of remorse
which thereby lost their maddening power over him.
He seized the pastor's hand, and bowing his head, laid
his burning forehead upon it, acknowledging his kind-
ness in wishing to bring him out of his darkness.
But the sufferer who is grateful to those who desire
to relieve him, is already on the right road to receive
Under the guidance of Hold, Godber became more
calm every day. By excusing his conduct as far as pos-
sible at first, and then condemning it where it deserved
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/268
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