Have we not then received more than the world can
take away from us ? Have we not a share in His
blessings, and in these are the riches of that godliness
which is 'profitable unto all things, having the promise
of the life that now is and of that which is to come ?'
But I will lift up mine eyes from the earth toward the
Heaven, and inquire what is man, oh, God ! that lie
should ask for more than Thy will, desire more than
Thy love, which has been made manifest upon earth,
and which having itself known the bitterest sorrow
draws kindly near the heart, overflowing with grief, and
says : 'Behold me, and weep no more ; lo ! the Heav-
ens are opened unto you !' But those whom the cares
and troubles of this life separate from the love of
Christ, they crucify Him afresh and destroy their own
souls. Therefore give Him thine heart, keep thy vows
made to Him, and thou shalt not be overcome in the
hour of sorrow, but through the trial of thy earthly
affections, thy love to the Saviour shall bum yet the
more purely and brightly. 'They that sow in tears
shall reap in joy.'"
And now raising Maria's hand, still clasped in his
own, while she sank silently on her knees, he prayed,
"O, Lord God, Father of all who are called children
in Heaven and on earth, here is Thine handmaid. Thy
will be done. Amen."
Maria repeated the last words with a trembling voice.
Her tears flowed more gently, her pulse beat more
calmly. Then she rose and turning her swimming eyes
toward Heaven, folding her hands upon her breast and
breathing deeply as if suddenly freed from a heavy
weight, she said once more, louder and with a stronger
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/86
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