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Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/26

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The terror once of Christendom,
That ne'er a bolder foe hath seen ;
And many a deed of blood and fire
Have proved him worthy of a sire,
Who made dread Barbarossa's name
The Paynim's pride, the Christian's shame.
Yet was not Murad merciless ;
Nor poor nor stranger would oppress ;
Ne'er lacked, beneath his roof, the ' guest
Of God invited ' * food or rest.
Five times a day with zeal he prayed
Toward Mecca bowed his shaven head.
Kept fitting fast, and freely gave
Whene'er the poor an alms might crave.
Such duties did he ne'er forget.
Had not the Prophet clearly set
These precepts above every other —

  * 'The invited of God' is the name given to a stranger who asks hos-
pitality. When a traveller approaches an encampment, he cries, "O mas-
ter of the tent ! Lo, a guest invited of God ! " and seldom fails to receive
the attention and the comforts which his wants require. For the tradi-
tional sayings of the Prophet on this subject, see Appendix IV.