Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/266

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For company in death alone ;
And gashes purple-lipped declare
His fate inevitably near ;
The blood around his heart grows chill,
His hand, though glued to sword-hilt still,
Is numbed ; thick shadows veil his sight,
And faint he sinks to darkest night.

Halloo ! the woods are echoing round !
And falcon bold, and trusty hound
Pursue their game. Behold ! a troop
Of flying huntsmen gallops up,
And, dashing foremost of the train,
On dappled steed, in habit green,
With rosy cheeks, fair as the sun,
Rides, whirlwind like, an amazon.
The robber-band affrighted fled,
Her courser started at the dead ;
Then with a bound she leaped to earth —
And there he lay, stretched like an oak