Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/273

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Whirling from pole to pole, each one
A bridal dance around its sun.
Still art thou to the human soul
A reflex, faint memorial,
Of brighter, better days, when, even
Yet but a child, she dwelt in heaven —
That azure hall, whose roof is set
With many a starry crown of light,
Where nightly she, with joy o'erblest,
Sank in her father's arms to rest.
Rich as the gifts of fancy are,
Her only language then was prayer.
And every fair and winged child
Of heaven on her a brother smiled.
She fell to earth ! since that, not even
Her love is pure ; yet doth she trace,
With joy, in the beloved's face,
Some look of former friends in heaven ;
And song of poet or of spring
Doth to her ear their lost tones bring.