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Charles Lucien Bonaparte

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Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte

Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte (* 24. Mei 1803 uun Paris; † 29. Jüüle 1857 uk diar) wiar en itajeensken bioloog an politiker. Keiser Napoléon Bonaparte (1769–1821) wiar san unkel. Bonaparte hää flook juaren uun Ameerikoo ferbroocht. Sin wedenskapelk ufkörtang as Bp..

  • Collected pamphlets. 1824–26.
  • Additions to the ornithology of the United States. Philadelphia 1825.
  • American ornithology or The natural history of birds inhabiting the United States. Mitchell, Philadelphia 1825–1833.
  • Description of a new species of South American Fringilla. Philadelphia 1825.
  • Descriptions of ten species of South American birds. Philadelphia 1825.
  • Observations on the nomenclature of Wilson’s ornithology. Finley, Philadelphia 1826.
  • Sulla seconda edizione del Regno animale del Barone Cuvier. Marsigli, Bologna 1830.
  • Cenni sopra le variazioni a cui vanno soggette la farfalle del gruppo Melitaea. 1831.
  • Di una nuova specie d’uccello dell’Isola di Cuba. Florenz 1831.
  • Iconografia della Fauna Italica per le quattro Classi degli Animali Vertebrati. Salvineci & Filippo, Rom 1832–1841.
  • Saggio d’una distribuzione metodica degli animali vertebrati a sangue freddo. Boulzaler, Rom 1832.
  • Notices and descriptions of new or interesting birds from Mexico and South America. London 1837.
  • The Prince of Musignano laid before the Meeting the following communication, containing notices and descriptions of new or interesting birds from Mexiko and South America. In: Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Band 5, Nr. 159, 1838, S. 108–122 (englisch, biodiversitylibrary.org – 1837).
  • A geographical and comparative list of the birds of Europe and North America. van Voorst, London 1838.
  • Amphibia europea ad systema nostrum vertebratorum ordinata. Turin 1840.
  • A new systematic arrangement of vertebrated animals. Taylor, London 1841.
  • Catalogo metodico degli uccelli europei. Bologna 1842.
  • Osservazioni sullo stato della zoologia in Europa in quanto di vertebrati nell’anno 1840–1841. Florenz 1842.
  • Genus novum fringillinarum, bustamantia capilaurea. Bologna 1844.
  • Catalogo metodico dei mammiferi europei. Mailand 1845.
  • Observations on the state of zoology in Europe, as regards the Vertebrata. London 1845.
  • Parere del presidente della sezione sig. principe Carlo Bonaparte e della commissione da lui nominata per lo esame dell’anzidetta memoria del prof. de Nanzio. Neapel 1845.
  • Catalogo metodico dei pesci Europei. Fibreno, Neapel 1846. (Digitalisat in der Digitalen Bibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
  • Conspectus generum avium. (Band 1) Brill, Leiden 1850 online
  • Monographie des loxiens. Arnz, Leiden 1850.
  • Monographie de Laniens. In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (= 2). Band 5, 1853, S. 433–441 (biodiversitylibrary.org).
  • Notes ornithologiques sur les collections rapportées en 1853 par M. A. Delattre. Mallet-Bachelier, Paris 1854.
  • Tableau des perroquets. In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (= 2). Band 6, 1854, S. 145–158 (biodiversitylibrary.org).
  • Conspectus generum avium. (Band 2) Brill, Leiden 1857 online

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