Malcolm Guthrie
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Malcolm Guthrie (* 10. Febrewoore 1903 uun Hove, Ingelun; † 22. Nofember 1972 uun London) wiar en britisken linguist, di ham fööraal mä Bantuspriaken befaadet hää. Faan ham gongt det iindialang faan a Bantuspriaken tu "Guthrie-Regiuunen" ütj.
[Bewerke | Kweltekst bewerke]Guthrie hää teologii studiaret, an ging 1932 üs misionaar tu Kinshasa uun a Kongo. Diar begand hi, Bantuspriaken tu liaren, fööraal det wichtag hanelspriak Lingala. Sant 1940 wiar'er weder uun Ingelun, an as diar 1942 senior lecturer bi't School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) wurden. Faan 1942 bit 1944 raiset Guthrie föl troch Madel- an Süüdafrikoo, an skrääw 1945 sin dokterwerk The Tonal Structure of Bemba. Faan 1950 bit 1968 wir hi bi't SOAS för Afrikoo tustendag, faan 1951 bit 1970 wiar'er profesor för Bantuspriaken, an sant 1968 fellow faan't British Academy. Guthrie stoorew 1972.
Wichtag werken
[Bewerke | Kweltekst bewerke]- 1943 The Lingua Franca of the Middle Congo. (Lingala.) Africa 14.
- 1948 The Classification of the Bantu Languages. London. (Reprint 1967)
- 1948 Bantu Word Division. London.
- 1948 Gender, Number and Person in Bantu Languages. BSOAS 12.
- 1953 The Bantu Languages of Western Equatorial Africa. London.
- 1956 Observations on Nominal Classes in Bantu Languages. BSOAS 18.
- 1959 Problèmes de génétique linguistique: la question du Bantu commun. Paris.
- 1960 Teke Radical Structure and Common Bantu. ALS 1.
- 1961 Bantu Sentence Structure. London.
- 1962 Bantu Origins: a Tentative New Hypothesis. JAL 1.
- 1962 Some Developments in the Prehistory of the Bantu Languages. JAH 3.
- 1962 A Two-stage Method of Comparative Bantu Study. ALS 3.
- 1967–71 Comparative Bantu. An Introduction to the Comparative Linguistics and Prehistory of the Bantu Languages. 4 dialen. Farnborough.