up for no price. The thought that he had it no longer,
seemed to open a gulf before him, which separated him
forever from Maria. Now she was first lost to him,
irrecoverably lost, as if they had not been already long
parted ! When he looked up again, Maria was gone.
Idalia had seen this meeting from a distance, and
without making the least allusion to it, she grew colder
and more reserved toward Godber. But his affections
clung to her more and more closely. She was the an-
chor that must hold him fast in the strife of his con-
tending feelings, in the struggle of his conflicting
thoughts. He felt that if she gave him up, the strength
of his life would be broken, that then his conscience
would tell him why it was so, and that he should, ever
after, be tossed on a sea of self-reproach.
Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/173
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