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Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/215

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through which they had passed. In proportion as the
mental excitement became quieted by rest, the bodily
weakness increased, even to fainting, thus causing fresh
anxiety to the hearts of their friends. The following
day they passed in a half dreamy state, from which they
could scarcely rouse themselves for a moment, to
receive the cordials which were administered to them.
Hold, apparently the least strong of the party, was
the first to recover his physical and mental faculties.
Perhaps because his feelings were soonest directed
heavenward, and poured out in joyful thanksgiving to
  Oswald lay for several days in an unquiet slumber,
broken by convulsive shudderings and fearful dreams,
and required the most careful medical attendance. On
the fifth morning, after a deep refreshing sleep, he woke
invigorated, but several days passed before he could
leave his bed for any considerable time. Leaning on
his father's arm, he walked up and down the chamber,
and tried, in talking over the late occurrence with him,
to take his former gay and trifling tone, although it was
not without an inward struggle. But the father was
grave and solemn, and said, finally :
  "Oswald, let us not strive against God's providence.
He has brought us to this island that we may know
and acknowledge the one thing needful. He wills to
save us. On me, too, has he laid his hand anew, in the
providence which suspended such a terrible fate over
your head. I can no longer resist him ; I must praise
him and thank him that his grace has been greater than
my blindness and my guilt. Henceforth I will serve
him, and him alone, and would I could say, 'As for me