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Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/66

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boat through the surge till they could reach a sufficient
depth to float it when manned. In this way they
boarded the wreck, and examined it with the greatest
care. There was no trace either of the living or tiw
dead. Probably when the ship capsized, the captain
and sailors had been washed from the deck, and it was
most likely that one of the next flood tides would
throw their bodies upon the shore. Some valuables
were taken off, and Godber did not forget to secure for
Idalia a box of southern fruits and a basket which con-
tained some bottles of sweet wine. The saving of the
remainder of the cargo, which chiefly consisted of casks
of wine and boxes of oranges, was the next object.
Cordage was tied to the stump of the masts, and slung
round various parts of the wreck, and then fastened at
the other end to the shore. While those who had re-
turned from the ship were telling in what condition
they had found things on board, Mander talked about
the rate of salvage with the people, who, to his aston-
ishment, did not wish to make any contract, but were
willing to leave every thing to his own sense of jus-
tice, and gave him their services with the most ready
good-will, proving in this way their disinterested-
ness. In the mean time Idalia, with the help of her
brother, who, as he said, desired some refreshment fit
for human beings, had opened a box of oranges and a
flask of wine, from which Oswald immediately took two
long draughts. She now peeled with her snowy fingers
one of the sweet oranges, and gracefully dividing it,
offered half to Godber, with the most cordial thanks
for his thoughtfulness. She then sipped a little wine
from the flask, and reaching it smilingly to him,