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Seite:Marsh Hallig 1856.djvu/7

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  Upon the form and objects of works like the present, I
have expressed myself in the preface to my first produc-
tion of this character, which appeared in 1835, under the
title " The Way to Faith, or Love from Childhood," and I
therefore take the liberty of referring my readers to that
volume for an explanation of my views on this subject.
  My friends who, in reading these pages, can not &il to
perceive that the material for my description of Hold's
social and professional career have been drawn from my
own experience as a Hallig preacher, will readily believe
that I have not sought, in my representation of his char-
acter and spiritual influence, to depict myself, but simply
to present my ideal of what such a preacher should be,
and what I ought to have been.
  To the above extract from the preface to my first
eflition, I now add that I have endeavored to prove my
gratitude for the favorable judgment of my reviewers
and the reading public, by the correction of the errors