Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/198

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Were price too heavy far to pay.
Life's passing ills no more I blame,
E'en sorrow scarce deserves a name,
So brief her hour. Oh nurse, I know,
This thou hadst taught me long ago,
But happy youth will learn but slow !
Now my first prayer, 'let others see,
Father, what thou hast shown to me,'
And for myself but this alone,
The first, the last, 'Thy will be done !'
One work accomplished, then am I
Alike content to live or die."

She ceased, and fainting sank away
More wan than the first daylight ray
That full upon her forehead lay.
The trembling Gerda hastes to shed
The spicy waters on her head,
Throws back the mantling cloud of hair,
And bathes her in the morning air.