Seite:Marsh Wolfe of the knoll.djvu/76

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  Yon point that, while we speak, away
  Has melted in the twilight gray,
  Thy Gracious Maker hides from thee.
  In love, the things which yet must be !
  And we — were it not well to look
  No further now in Fate's dark book,
  But turn a backward glance the while
  On the past fortunes of our isle !

Stand we by Wolfe upon the knoll, and turn us to the sea ;
There, where the waves like breakers roll in foam so wild
  and free,
Stood the first church the old man knew, though parish re-
  cords say
That many a goodlier one before the tide had swept away.
Even yet the shepherds deem they hear, of a still Easter
The chiming of the bells full clear from the deep waves up-